Best and Worst Couple of Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl were a guy instead of a TV show,tumblr_nmhwnfQZ9p1qzsxa3o1_500 he’d be the really sexy guy you completely fall for immediately, slowly realize he’s the worst and constantly disappointing you, yet keep hooking up with him sporadically for the next five years.

Or maybe that’s just me and everyone else has already given up on the scandalous Upper East Siders, but I still have a soft spot for it despite despairing of its many ridiculous plot lines and openly laughing at the dramatic death scene we saw last week. It’s definitely time for the show to end, but I’m still feeling a little nostalgic remembering all the good times. (Need to get caught up on everything that’s happened?

And of course, the best times of the show always involved love. Since just about everyone on the show has hooked up at one point it was hard to keep this from becoming a novel, but here’s our condensed list of the couples that worked, and the couples that should have been banned from Manhattan.

tumblr_ngym1tq3by1sgo4dko1_500Best: Chuck and Blair

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