Kanye West jumps on a restaurant table in london

Kanye Wesrs_634x1024-150225180215-634-kanye-twitter.jw.22515t does what Kanye West wants, and if that includes jumping on top of restaurant furniture, then so be it.

While in London for the Brit Awards on Wednesday, the 37-year-old rapper surprised customers at fast food chain restaurant Nando’s, and decided to hop onto a tabletop to give the people what they wanted (his presence). And sure enough, it made the crowd go wild.

Customers quickly swarmed over to the celeb and began chanting “Yeezus!” and posed for selfies with the star.

Nando’s also mentioned the exciting appearance on their Twitter, posting a photo of ‘Ye on their table and jokingly writing, “So, it turns out Kanye is much taller in real life…

It’s no secret that Kanye loves being the center of attention, but it turns out Yeezy was really just making a pit stop for some grub and wasn’t intentionally trying to cause a scene until he realized that’s what the fans wanted.

West reportedly ordered a plain burger and fries, medium double-burger, garlic bread, quarter chicken and spicy rice. The rapper was said to have sat at a table with his entourage, and at first turned fans away, telling them, “I’m just a singer who wants to be left alone.”

But then Kanye changed his mind, jumped up onto the counter and yelled, “If we are gonna do this, let’s do it right!”

That’s when the chanting and picture-taking began, and then he quickly jetted out the restaurant.


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