6 Best Friends Episodes

“Friends” is on netflix right now, just in time for your one weirdo friend to be like, “I’ve never seen ‘Friends’! I’ll binge watch it!” (She’s such a Phoebe.) In an attempt to tackle all 236 episodes, here’s a list of the ones that you (and your Phoebe friend) absolutely, no-questions-asked must watch right away. We’ve got the one where Joey puts his head inside a turkey, the one where Ross yells “PIVOT” a lot and the one with the lobsters.

1. Season 4, Episode 12: “The One With The Embryos”

Best line: “Actually, it’s Miss Chananquizdler Bong.”
Why watch it? What starts as a friendly bet ends in an apartment switcheroo and the revelation that nobody knows what Chandler actually does for work. (He’s not a “transponster,” for the record.)

2. Season 3, Episode 2: “The One Where No One’s Ready”

Best line: friendsjoey“Look at me, I’m Chandler, could I be wearing any more clothes?”
Why watch it? Couch cushions make great hostages.

Continue reading 6 Best Friends Episodes

Nate and Serena (Gossip Girl)

tumblr_mrz2l0fh2G1sp0gfyo1_500The relationship between Nate and Serena, also known as Serenate, is the friendship and former romantic relationship between Serena van der Woodsen and Nate Archibald.

In the Gossip Girl novel series, Serena and Nate are on-again, off-again. They lose their virginity to each other in the series prequel, It Had To Be You, during the summer before Serena leaves for boarding school. Once Serena returns, their antics often lead to the break-ups of Blair and Nate. Serena realizes her love for Nate at various points in the series. One of the main reasons stopping their relationship is that their best friend, Blair Waldorf, is also in love with Nate. In the final book, I Will Always Love You, Nate chooses Blair in Part I and then Serena in Part II. In the end, Nate ends up with neither, and Blair and Serena go off together as best friends on vacation.

In the 1st season, when Serena returns, Nate hopes to give their relationship a real chance. But Serena refuses, saying ,”I didn’t come back for you. Look, Blair’s my best friend, and you’re her boyfriend, and she loves you.” However, Serena still agrees to meet up with Nate to talk with about their current situation.

Continue reading Nate and Serena (Gossip Girl)

Kanye West jumps on a restaurant table in london

Kanye Wesrs_634x1024-150225180215-634-kanye-twitter.jw.22515t does what Kanye West wants, and if that includes jumping on top of restaurant furniture, then so be it.

While in London for the Brit Awards on Wednesday, the 37-year-old rapper surprised customers at fast food chain restaurant Nando’s, and decided to hop onto a tabletop to give the people what they wanted (his presence). And sure enough, it made the crowd go wild.

Customers quickly swarmed over to the celeb and began chanting “Yeezus!” and posed for selfies with the star.

Nando’s also mentioned the exciting appearance on their Twitter, posting a photo of ‘Ye on their table and jokingly writing, “So, it turns out Kanye is much taller in real life…
Continue reading Kanye West jumps on a restaurant table in london